Yes we try to ensure that all of the images on the website are a close likeness to what the escorts look like in person. In truth many of the on the website can only go so far to offer a representation of the escorts and the beautiful woman that will arrive for your date will be much better looking than you could have ever imagined.
Of course we are here to ensure that all of your fantasies and desires are fulfilled. If you want your escort to wear a particular item of clothing we will endeavor to meet these needs. This is not always possible but we will always try our hardest for you. Our escorts love nothing more than to dress up in a way that sets your pulse racing so if you have any special requests from outfits too much more then do not hesitate to ask.
When you book from Magodo Escorts you are paying for the time you spend with the escort. Anything beyond this is between two consenting adults that are in the right state of mind to make a conscious decision. We are happy to provide you with a dating experience with one of the most beautiful women in Lagos but that is all we provide so service have no need to be listed on the website.
Cancellations must be made in plenty of time. We understand that things can occur which mean you cannot fulfill your plans with your escort but if the escort arrives at your location then there could well be fees involved in canceling at this time. If you cancel several hours before your date this is usually ample time unless the escort is having to travel a long distance to meet with you.